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Flyntlok Holiday Schedule

T'is the Season! These are the last release notes for 2024! Flyntlok would like to wish you all a joyful, and restful, holiday season. We want to thank you all again for being part of the Flyntlok family and we wish you a very successful 2025.

Flyntlok will be closed on Tuesday, December 24; Wednesday, December 25; and Wednesday, January 1. We'll see you in the New Year!!

A Festive Tractor

Pricing Rules Editor

Managers have expressed the need for more flexibility and control over their dynamic pricing structures. Previously, Flyntlok supported automatic calculations for Items, but this functionality was not available for Models. Additionally, pricing adjustments for specific Vendors, or overall structures, required manual intervention by contacting a Flyntlok Consultant.

While we’re always happy to assist with pricing updates via phone or email, we understand the value of empowering you to make adjustments independently and on your schedule. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a powerful set of features that put the control of pricing management directly in your hands. More power to the people!

Item and Model Pricing Editors

Pricing Matrix

The new Pricing Matrix allows you to configure multiple pricing levels with ease. For example:

  • When cost is under $100, mark up the product 50%.
  • When cost is between $100 and $500, mark up 40%.
  • When cost is between $500 and $1,000, mark up 30%.
  • For costs above $1,000, mark up 20%.

Advanced Formulas

Customize your pricing further using advanced formulas. These formulas can perform operations such as rounding, or enabling detailed adjustments. If you're familiar with formulas in Excel, this shouldn't be too scary!

For example, if you wanted all your pricing to end in .99, a formula could look like this:

In this example, the term “ceil” rounds values up to the nearest whole number. Then adding .99 ensures list prices align with your preferred pricing strategy.

Learn more about configuring Pricing Matrices with formulas here.


Rules define specific groupings for identifying products.

For Items, Rules can be based on:

  • Vendor
  • Department
  • Division

For Models, Rules can be configured using:

  • Vendor
  • Primary Class
  • Secondary Class

Each Rule also includes:

  • Priority: Rank the importance of Rules when a product matches multiple criteria (0 is the highest rank).
  • Matrix: Assign a Pricing Matrix to apply to the Rule’s products.

Auto-Calculation of List Price

With Auto Calculation enabled, models matching a Pricing Rule will automatically apply its Pricing Matrix during data entry and subsequent cost updates. For example, using the Price Matrix configured from the example above:

List prices are adjusted as costs change on Receiving Vouchers:

Allocating fees to a Voucher recalculates the list price based on updated book values:

You can toggle the feature as needed:

Bulk Pricing Updates

Easily apply updated Pricing Matrices in bulk to Items or Models. Use the "Update Models" or "Update Items" buttons to preview affected products before finalizing changes. Previews are generated based on products matching Pricing Rules tied to the updated Matrix.

Accessing this Feature:

Only users with the proper permissions will be allowed to access this page. To enable, find the permission labeled "Price Matrix Manager" in your Access Controls page:

These new pages can be accessed via clicking on the Wrench icon -> Items -> Item Pricing Matrix:

NOTE: If you have previously been set up with auto pricing on Items, this new feature may not be immediately available for use. Reach out to your friendly Flyntlok consultant to get this feature activated for your company! Good news: Model Pricing is immediately available for all users.

We’re confident these enhancements will streamline your pricing processes and provide you with greater flexibility and control. As always, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Purchasing In Foreign Currencies


Parts and Machine Purchasers have requested the ability to order and receive goods in foreign currency, as many dealers buy stock from vendors located in other countries.


We have introduced foreign currency functionality into the Parts and Machine Purchase Order workflows, beginning with the ordering step and ending with the posting of a Receiving Voucher. All of these purchasing changes require configuration changes within Flyntlok and require a multi-currency setup of QuickBooks or Sage Intacct. If you wish to take advantage of these powerful new capabilities, please reach out to your friendly Flyntlok consultant!

For Part Purchase Orders, the currency that a Vendor sells in, such as Euros or British Pounds, is visible on the Purchase Order on the lefthand side of the page. You can only purchase in the currency set on the Vendor record (i.e. you cannot change the currency on the PO away from the Vendor’s currency).

The total for the order is displayed in both the Vendor’s currency and your company’s base currency in the upper right hand corner of the page, along with the FX rate from the Vendor’s currency to your company’s base currency. Flyntlok retrieves the FX rate for all necessary currency pairs on a daily basis, so you will always have the latest rate available to you. Clicking on the pencil next to the FX rate allows you to override the “official” FX rate to one of your choosing.

On the lefthand side of the page, you will see a dropdown that allows you to choose whether you want to see costing on the Purchase Order lines displayed in the vendor’s currency or your company’s base currency.

Once you have received part or all of a Purchase Order and have created a Receiving Voucher, you will see that the Vendor’s currency carries over to the Receiving Voucher. As before, the Vendor’s currency is visible on the left and the totals in Vendor and your company’s base currency are on the right. You can also override the FX rate here, just as you can on the Purchase Order.

When receiving a line on the Receiving Voucher, you enter the cost in the Vendor’s currency, and Flyntlok automatically calculates the cost in your company’s base currency using the FX rate visible above. You can also update the costing on the part itself in both the Vendor’s and your company’s base currency. Fees, credits, and attachments behave the same way.

Once you are ready to post the voucher to QuickBooks, simply proceed as you normally would. If your QuickBooks instance is set up to handle multiple currencies, the voucher will post in the Vendor’s currency; if your QuickBooks instance is not set up to handle multiple currencies, your friendly Flyntlok consultant will be happy to help you enable this setting.

Machine Purchase Orders work much the same way. The Vendor’s currency can be seen on the left side of the screen.

The totals and FX rate are in the upper right hand corner.

Once you have received part or all of a Purchase Order and have created a Receiving Voucher, you will see that the Vendor’s currency carries over to the Receiving Voucher. The totals in Vendor and company base currency are on the right. You can also override the FX rate here like you can on the Purchase Order.

When receiving a line on the Receiving Voucher, you enter the base cost in the Vendor’s currency, and Flyntlok automatically calculates the machine’s book value in your company’s base currency using the FX rate visible above. Fees and credits behave the same way.

As with Part Purchase Orders, once you are ready to post the voucher to QuickBooks, just proceed as you normally would. If your QuickBooks instance is set up to handle multiple currencies, the voucher will post in the Vendor’s currency; if your QuickBooks instance is not set up to handle multiple currencies, your friendly Flyntlok consultant will be happy to help you enable this setting.

Point of Sale

Shopify Order Notes [#58659]

Opportunity: Online Sales Managers requested that notes added to Shopify orders be included on the resulting Flyntlok Invoice.

Solution: Notes from Shopify Orders now appear in the “Internal Message” section of Flyntlok Invoices.

Location Warning when Associating Machine with Model [#12345]


Salespeople requested a warning that a Machine is not at the same location when associating a Model with a Machine on a Sales Order. (This feature already exists when selling a machine on a Sales Order.)


Added the warning when associated a Model with a Machine.


Create New Lead from Left Nav Bar [#58425]


Managers requested the ability to create new Leads directly from the left nav sidebar.


Added the ability to create new leads from the sidebar. If you would like to get this option accessible from your sidebar, please contact your friendly Flyntlok consultant.

Shopify Customer Tag [#58664]

Opportunity: Online sales managers requested that customers created in Flyntlok from Shopify orders have an “Ecomm” tag attached to them.

Solution: The exact text of this tag can be set on the Flyntlok Settings page under the Shopify section.


Card Transactions Data View [#58795]

Opportunity: Salespeople requested the ability to view card transactions on Sales Orders.

Solution: Right now, this view is only available to Admins. We added a Data View for card transactions, including linked Sales Orders, dates, and transaction status, that can be viewed by anyone. If you would like to make this Data View accessible for your users’ sidebar, please contact your friendly Flyntlok consultant.

Resolved Issues

Work Order Estimate Warranty Fees [#58600]

Complaint: Service Managers reported that the Fees section of Work Order Estimates was including Warranty jobs in its total calculation, even when Warranty jobs were configured to invoice separately.

Correction: Fixed. Warranty jobs will now be excluded in the Fees calculation when set to invoice separately.

Avatax Info Not Maintained When Copying Invoice [#58620]

Complaint: Avatax users complained that when using the Copy action on a Sales Order, the new Sales Order did not contain any relevant Avatax data from the previous Sales Order.

Correction: Fixed. Avatax-enabled Sales Orders now generate copies in full.

Changing Two-Factor Authentication Number [#58621]

Complaint: Users noted that after changing their two-factor authentication phone number via the User Settings page, they were receiving the login code on their previous phone number when trying to log in.

Correction: Fixed.

Inactive Users on Maintenance Schedules [#58709]

Complaint: Service Managers reported that inactive Users were appearing in the list of Users when selecting Maintenance Schedule notifyees.

Correction: Fixed. Inactive users are no longer displayed here.

"Magic Wand" Search Functionality [#58583]

Complaint: Users noted that the "Magic Wand" item search feature did not appear in the sidebar on some pages, such as Work Order Dashboard and CRM Leads. (For the uninitiated, the “Magic Wand” provides a search pop-up screen for parts.)

Correction: Fixed. This feature is now visible across all Flyntlok pages.

Disabled Vendors on Part Purchase Orders [#58716]

Complaint: Parts Managers reported that disabled Vendors were appearing in the list of Vendor options on Part Purchase Orders.

Correction: Fixed. The Vendor drop-down selector will now only include active Vendors.

Moves not Created on Work Order Pickup or Delivery [#58672]

Complaint: Service Managers who have enabled "Moves on Work Order" noted that when enabling Pickup or Delivery on a Work Order, sometimes a Move would not be generated.

Correction: Fixed an issue where a Move would not generate if a Pickup or Delivery address was entered after creating a Work Order without inputting an address initially.

Pick List Missing Logo [#58713]

Complaint: Salespeople reported that their Logo image was not appearing at the top of Pick Lists printed from Sales Orders.

Correction: Fixed.

Models Missing on Rental Rate Sheet [#58732]

Complaint: Rental users reported that while selecting Models for a new Rental Contract, they did not show up on the Rate Sheet PDF.

Correction: Fixed.

Associating Machines on Rental Contract [#58734]

Complaint: Rental Coordinators reported that when renting a Model, clicking “Associate Machines” sometimes wouldn’t show any machines for that Model.

Correction: Fixed.

Purchasing Section on Item Editor [#58742]

Complaint: Inventory Managers noted that when editing an Item, the "Purchasing" fields would sometimes not populate, even though they appeared to be set when viewing the same fields on the Item Dashboard.

Correction: Fixed.

Data Grid Column Widths [#58771]

Complaint: Many users reported that column widths on multiple Data View pages were not loading with the correct width. They also had some issues where the addition of columns or the adjusting of column widths were not saving.

Correction: Fixed. Columns will now correctly respect saved widths.

This may cause some changes because saved widths that were not previously being applied are now being used. This can be fixed by simply editing the columns to your preferred width and saving the new override.

Rental Dashboard Comment Timestamps [#58918]

Complaint: Rental clerks reported that the timestamps on Comments in the activity pane were not accurate.

Correction: Fixed.

Service Scheduler Filters Scrolling [#59046]

Complaint: Managers reported that the Filters panel on the Service Scheduler wasn’t scrollable, leading to some options being cut off when multiple filters were selected.

Correction: Fixed. This panel can now be scrolled.

Item Recent Orders Date [#59145]

Complaint: Parts Managers reported that the Recent Orders grid on the Item Dashboard was using the date a Receiving Voucher was created, instead of the date that it was actually received.

Correction: Fixed. This grid displays the Receive Date for Receiving Vouchers now.

Connecting Microsoft Email Accounts

Complaint: Some Users reported they were unable to connect their Microsoft email accounts via User Profile settings.

Correction: Fixed.

Last Release Notes

November 20th, 2024 Release Notes

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